Loan foreclosure means paying off your loan in full before the tenure ends, saving on future interest payments.

✅ Save on Interest Costs ✅ Improve Your Credit        Score ✅ Lower Financial Stress ✅ Free Up Monthly Budget

✔ If you have extra funds     without affecting     savings ✔ If the interest rate is     high ✔ If prepayment penalties     are low ✔ If it helps improve your     financial health

❌ Prepayment Penalty         (Some lenders charge fees       for early closure) ❌ Loss of Tax Benefits         (For home & education loans) ❌ Impact on Liquidity         (Draining savings may cause        cash flow issues)

Foreclose if: ✔ You can afford it without     financial strain ✔ The savings on interest     outweigh penalties ✔ You have no high-interest     debts to clear first

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